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Annual Members Meeting – Wednesday 23 October 2024

Our online Annual Members Meeting will present the annual report and accounts for 2023/24 and talk through some of the highlights. There will also be presentations from our lead Governor and our Clinical Pathways team.

The meeting will run from 5pm to 6.30pm. For the meeting link and further joining instructions please email 

Right care, First time, Every time

We provide 999, 111 and Patient Transport Services.

Our emergency and 111 services cover Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire. Our PTS service also covers Sussex.

SCAS: Here when you need us
SCA Charity

Have we helped you? Then please donate to help us

With your help we can continue to provide additional support to our ambulance crews and volunteers, fund innovative new projects and work alongside our operational teams to really enhance patient care.

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