Clinical Focus

We are passionate about patient quality.

Our chief nurse is primarily responsible for the provision of expert clinical guidance to our Trust Board and for establishing and quality assuring appropriate standards of care and clinical governance.

SCAS CSD clinician

The chief nurse is responsible for setting the standards of clinical practice and the educational and training levels required to achieve these, whilst assuring our corporate Board of our compliance to those standards.

Core Responsibilities:

  • the provision of strong clinical leadership at all levels throughout the Trust
    To ensure the Trust has the clinical capacity to provide safe reliable care for its patients
  • to establish appropriate standards of clinical care and ensure they are communicated and understood by all staff responsible for delivering care
    To ensure systems are in place to monitor delivery for clinical care across all areas of Trust activity
  • to contribute to the development and implementation of alternative models of clinical care to meet the diverse needs of patients
  • to ensure the Trust Board understands its statutory duties in respect of patient care and takes action to ensure these duties are met
SCAS paramedic wearing gloves

Care Quality Commision

We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

In August 2022 a CQC inspection report reduced our overall rating to Inadequate. Information about our improvement plan is here.

You can see our full Trust profile on the CQC website at

You can also see the CQC report on the 111 service we run at

Infection Control

The Trust is committed to minimising all risks associated with infection control and reducing the impact of healthcare associated infection on patients staff and the organisation overall. The Trust encourages the open reporting of infection incidents and risks as part of its adverse incident reporting procedures

The Infection, prevention control and decontamination policy covers all the aspects of infection control and decontamination that are required to protect all staff, patients and third parties, and those issues and procedures raised by Assurance framework or required for statutory purposes.

Infection Control Annual Report

Director of Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report 2020-2021

Annual Quality Report

Annual Quality Report 2020-2021

Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee

The Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) develops national clinical practice guidelines for NHS paramedics. The Clinical Guidelines have been adopted by South Central Ambulance Service and form the basis for UK paramedic training and education. The guidelines are reviewed on a five year cycle and are developed or updated, based on systematic reviews of the evidence and consensus agreement. To access the JRCALC clinical practice guidelines click here.

Declaration of Single Sex Accommodation

We do not have any mixed-sex accommodation within the ambulance service.

