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Latest news

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025
South Central Ambulance Service is proud to support neurodiverse colleagues and patients

SCAS secures over £1 million funding for green initiatives
Green initiative will save tens of thousands of pounds, and tonnes of carbon, every year.

Ground-breaking trial launched with ambulance fleet
The aim is to identify when maintenance is needed before potential vehicle failures.

Award for community first responder, Ian Taylor
Hampshire CFR receives High Sherriff Award

Patient Panel One Year Anniversary
Members of the panel visit SCAS to celebrate.

New pilot scheme to help patients with autism
Autism initiative enhances local Message in a Bottle scheme

SCAS Chair re-appointed to role
Professor Sir Keith Willett CBE re-appointed till 2027.

First Aid Video for Knife Crime Month
With over 50,000 knife crime incidents a year in the UK, there may be a chance that you might come...
Coming events

Join us for an action packed emergency services day in Fawley on 24 May!
Join us at Gang Warily Recreation Centre in Fawley, Hampshire, on 24 May from 10 AM to 4 PM for an action-packed Emergency Services Day! Step inside...

Board meeting in public – 27 March
From 9:45am to 1pm, in person at the Arc Conference Centre, Basingstoke and online. Open for the public to observe.
Right care, First time, Every time
We provide 999, 111 and Patient Transport Services.
Our emergency and 111 services cover Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire. Our PTS service also covers Sussex.
What we do

Have we helped you? Then please donate to help us
With your help we can continue to provide additional support to our ambulance crews and volunteers, fund innovative new projects and work alongside our operational teams to really enhance patient care.