Dial 999 in an emergency.


These contact details are not for emergency use. Please dial 999 in case of an emergency.

Dial 111 for non-emergency health issues.


For urgent but not life threatening situations, please call 111 or visit the NHS 111 website.

Contact us

Contact details and further information for getting in touch with us.

Call handler for 999 calls

Northern headquarters

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Unit 7 &8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR

Telephone: 01869 365000
Monday to Friday 9:30am – 13.30pm

Answerphone out of hours

Please note there is no visitor parking at our Bicester site. Please click here for alternative parking locations.

Southern headquarters

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
North Wing, Southern House
SO21 2RU

Telephone: 01962 898000
Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

Compliments, Complaints and Feedback

To contact our Patient Experience team:

Telephone: 0300 123 9280
Email: PatientExperience@scas.nhs.uk

Click here to complete our survey

Community Responder Managers

To contact our Community First Responder Managers call:
Telephone: 0792 086 1732
Email: cfr@scas.nhs.uk


Contact with a governor should be addressed to them at the following address:

FAO Company Secretary
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
7-8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR.

Or you can send an email to company.secretary@scas.nhs.uk

Human Resources

All current vacancies cam be found by visiting our dedicated jobs website www.scasjobs.co.uk

However, if you do not see what you are looking for, please contact our recruitment team.

Telephone: 01869 365000
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Email: recruitment@scas.nhs.uk

Information Governance & Freedom of Information

To contact our Information Governance Manager

Telephone: 01869 817670 – Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00
Email: dpa@scas.nhs.uk or foi@scas.nhs.uk

Patient Transport Services

If you have booked transport and you find you no longer require it, please access Patient Zone, or the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Contact Centre on 0300 790 0143

Technical help for Patient Transport website bookings

Our contact numbers are:

  • Hampshire Patients 0300 123 9833
  • Thames Valley Patients 0300 100 0015
  • Milton Keynes Patients 0300 100 0015
  • Hampshire Health Care Professionals 0300 100 0024
  • Thames Valley Health Care Professionals 0300 123 3235
  • Milton Keynes Health Care Professionals 0300 100 0024
  • OHFT 0300 123 3235
  • Cancellation line 0300 790 0143
  • Estimated Time of Arrival 0300 013 5003

These dedicated lines are open 06:30am until 23:00pm, 7 days a week.

Safeguarding enquiries

For any enquiries relating to Safeguarding, including requests for statements from staff following the death of a child or invitations to rapid response meetings, please use the following contact details:

Telephone: 01962 898193
Email: scas.safeguarding@nhs.net

Solicitors’ enquiries

Solicitors Requests for patients medical records.

When requests are made for patients medical records the following will need to be provided:

  • Signed written consent form by the client, or person with Parental Responsibility (child).
  • Patient’s name, time and date of the incident, exact location, hospital conveyed to (if any);

Where legal action is being taken or is contemplated against the Trust or there is an ongoing or previous Coroner’s Inquest please use the following contact details:

Legal Services Manager
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Unit 7 &8 Talisman Business CentreTalisman Road
OX26 6HR

Email: scas.legalservices@nhs.net

If you would like to discuss your request, please telephone our Legal Services Manger via our switchboard on 01869 365000.

Where legal action is not being taken against the Trust, please visit our Make a FOI request page.

Requests on behalf of HM Coroner

For all matters relating to enquiries being undertaken on behalf of HM Coroner, please contact our Legal Services Department using the details provided below:

Legal Services Manager
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Unit 7 &8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR

Email: scas.legalservices@nhs.net

If you would like to discuss your request, please telephone our Legal Services Manger via our switchboard: 01869 365000.

NHS 111 Sign Language

The NHS 111 BSL service is open 7 days a week, 8am – midnight.

Visit www.nhs.uk/111 to find out more.

SCA Charity

Have we helped you? Then please donate to help us

With your help we can continue to provide additional support to our ambulance crews and volunteers, fund innovative new projects and work alongside our operational teams to really enhance patient care.