SCAS join the Sikh community in Milton Keynes

Aug 22, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin

SCAS staff held an event at Gurdwara Baba Zorawar Singh Ji Baba Fateh Singh Ji on 18  August 2023 and were joined by Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB and the local Public Health outreach team. Mark Ainsworth-Smith  delivered three talks on cardiac arrest and heart attack, sepsis and major trauma.

Members of the community were shown around the ambulance, met 999 Ted, took part in answering surveys and in CPR demonstrations with defibrilltor awareness training. They also had an opportunity to find out about our recruitment opportunities.

The Gurdwara kindly treated all the staff to a traditional lunch which gave staff the opportunity to get to know the community.

If you want to take part in events please email