SCAS Governors

Our Governors are shown below, they serve the counties operated in by SCAS (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire). We also have Staff Governors, a Community First Responder (CFR) Governor and Appointed Governors.

Emergency Ambulance


Mark Davis - Governor

Mark Davis FRSPH

Berkshire Constituency

Portrait shot

Tony Jones

Berkshire Constituency

Portrait photo

Mark Potts

Berkshire Constituency


Mike Appleyard

Mike Appleyard

Buckinghamshire Constituency

Portrait photo

Paul Kelly

Buckinghamshire Constituency

Portrait photo

Huw Pateman

Buckinghamshire Constituency


Hilary Foley

Hilary Foley

Hampshire Constituency

Governor profile photo


Hampshire Constituency

David Luckett MBE

David Luckett MBE

Hampshire Constituency

Portrait photo

Chris Wood

Hampshire Constituency

Charles McGill - Governor

Charles McGill MBE

Hampshire Constituency

Tony Nicholson

Tony Nicholson

Hampshire Constituency


Helen Ramsay

Helen Ramsay

Oxfordshire Constituency

David Wesson - Governor

David Wesson

Oxfordshire Constituency

Governor profile photo


Oxfordshire Constituency

Rest of England and Wales

Governor profile photo


Public governor for Rest of England and Wales

Staff Governors

Portrait photo

Ian Sayer

Staff Governor – 999 Operations (North)

Portrait photo

Chris Jenner

Staff Governor – PTS and Logistics

Portrait photo

Lloyd Day

Staff Governor – 999 Operations (South)

Tariq Khan - 111 Staff Governor

Tariq Khan

Staff Governor – NHS 111

Alan Weir

Alan Weir

Staff Governor – Corporate Services

Rachael Cook

Rachael Cook

Staff Governor – 999 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)

CFR Governor

Tim Ellison

Tim Ellison

CFR Governor

Appointed Governors

Claire Dobbs - Appointed Governor


Appointed Governor

Barry Wood

Barry Wood

Appointed Governor

Graeme Hoskin

Cllr Graeme Hoskin

Appointed Governor

Anne Crampton - Appointed Governor

Dr Anne Crampton

Appointed Governor

Becoming a Governor

Anyone who is a member of the Trust and aged at least 16 is eligible to stand as a Governor. Find out more by clicking here

If you would like to get in touch with a governor, you should do so at the following address:

Company Secretary
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
7-8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6HR.

Or you can send an email to

