Abuse against staff is unacceptable

Aug 13, 2024 | Members e-Bulletin, News, Stakeholder eBulletin

We have worked with ITV Meridian to raise awareness of rising cases of abuse against our staff – and highlight that perpetrators face prison and a criminal record.

An assault on student paramedic Al Goffey in 2022 was caught on camera and the footage used to help prosecute his attacker – leading to an 18month prison sentence.

Al talks about his attack to ITV reporter Kara Digby, and Assistant Director of Operations Paul Jefferies talks about the training and support that helps prepare and protect staff if faced with aggressive behaviour.

We’re pleased to say Al has returned to work, but as he explains in the interview, abuse isn’t something any of our crews should have to face – the job is challenging enough:

“We see horrendous things constantly. The job before yours might have been a death, it could have been an injured child, it could have been anything, so just be kind to us.”

Whilst serious assaults are thankfully quite rare, figures show a significant increase in abuse over the last five years. Between 2019 and May 2024, there were 3,483 incidents of abuse, bullying or assaults on staff – 258 of those were physical assaults which left staff needing treatment.

Watch the ITV report and read more here. The report was originally aired on 12 August 2024.

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