Jul 28, 2022 | Members e-Bulletin
Our South Central Ambulance Charity is looking for volunteer community first responders in Buckinghamshire, Hampshire & Oxfordshire, along with a CFR dispatch volunteer based at Otterbourne, near Winchester. If you could offer at least 20 hours a month...
Jul 26, 2022 | Members e-Bulletin
There may have been high temperatures recently, but the water is still cold. If you found yourself struggling in the water unexpectedly, would you know what to do? The cold water can have a huge impact in your body’s ability to cope in that situation. If you...
Jul 26, 2022 | Members e-Bulletin
Watch Loretta Light, Public Governor Oxfordshire and Loren Bennett, Staff Governor as they talk about the benefits of becoming a young public Governor If you’re interested in becoming a public governor for SCAS visit our governor elections page here Or email...
Jul 26, 2022 | Members e-Bulletin, Proud
We were delighted to be informed earlier this month by that we have been successfully revalidated for the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award till 2027! Representing the highest badge of honour, the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award identifies...
Jul 26, 2022 | Members e-Bulletin
The British Heart Foundation (BHF), Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK), St John Ambulance and Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) are urging defibrillator owners to register their device on The Circuit to help save more lives from a cardiac arrest. When...