Jul 13, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, News, Stakeholder eBulletin
Ben Wilson, paramedic and suicide prevention lead at South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) was honoured to have been chosen to play a leading part in the national Baton of Hope Tour when it arrived in Milton Keynes on Tuesday, 4 July. The Baton...
Jul 12, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin
This year’s ‘Volunteers Week’ was in June, and we took the opportunity to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who continues to support as responders, drivers, or welfare volunteers. When we ask our volunteers why they give up their time to support us, the answer...
Jul 10, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin
May 2023 data shows 999, 111 and Patient Transport services remain busy. 999 helped 50,600 patients across all categories. For the most urgent category 1 calls, our average response time was a little longer than the national average (8mins 38secs compared to 8mins...
Jul 10, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin
The NHS was rightly allowed to respond to the pandemic without the worry of how much it would cost. Over the last two to three years, we saw substantial investment to support Covid. But going forward the expectation of robust financial control and living within...
Jul 10, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin, Uncategorized
When I joined SCAS I committed to spending the first 100 days getting out meeting our people and our partners – and to use what they told me to create a 10-point plan for improvement. An overarching theme is that we must be certain we’re putting our people and our...
Jul 10, 2023 | Members e-Bulletin, News, Stakeholder eBulletin
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has reiterated its commitment to support members of the armed forces community, including reservists and veterans, by signing up once again to the Armed Forces Covenant. SCAS was the first ambulance trust in...