Performance update: January 2023

Performance update: January 2023

Pressure has been high across all of our services including 999, 111 and patient transport over the past year – at times at unprecedented levels. Our frontline ambulance crews, 999 and 111 call handlers and the many other teams who ensure we can respond to patients as...
20 February industrial action

20 February industrial action

Industrial action on Monday (20 February) within SCAS will be by the GMB union, of which we have 230 members out of around 4,500 staff across all our services. As a result, the impact will mainly be on our non-emergency patient transport service in Surrey and Sussex,...
Meet your Governor

Meet your Governor

In March, we will be offering an online surgery to meet your local public Governor if you live in Oxfordshire. Loretta Light, Public Governor, Oxfordshire, will be online, time and date to be confirmed. If you want to talk to Loretta, to find out more about SCAS and...
Performance update: January 2023

Performance update December 2022

December 2022 saw a 21%  increase in  999 calls from the previous month,  with a total of 95, 019 calls. Whilst these calls are not COVID related, the increase may be the result of compromised immune systems following a lack of exposure during lockdown as well as...
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