Chris Jackson, Urgent Care Pathways Manager – Specialist Practitioner, has had his fantastic work for South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) recognised with an award at the ALF Awards 2021.
Chris won the ‘Exceptional Specialist Paramedic’ award at the 2021 forum, which was held online this year.
Mark Ainsworth, Director of Operations, said:
“Chris is a deserved winner due to his transformational work based on the core principles of specialist practice – Right Care, Right Place at the Right Time.
“He has had leading role in the Urgent Care Pathway project, one of the biggest clinical transformational pieces of work ever undertaken in SCAS.”
Chris has had an ambulance career of over 20 years and has been a Specialist Paramedic for more than 10 years.
He was approached to work on the Urgent Care Pathway project due to his very clear passion for getting patients into the most appropriate care pathway – be that to a speciality in an acute hospital, a community speciality or promoting self-care.

He immediately recognised key issues that needed to be addressed to increase pathway usage and noted that the Trust didn’t fully understand the options available. Staff needed support with decision making, the Trust required more information on the final destination of patients (which was key when going to departments other than emergency departments), and no granular data was available for any community pathways accessed.
To date the project has delivered a robust governance schedule around all pathways, a digital platform that supports clinical staff in decision making and an advanced data collection tool. It has so far changed the patient journey of over 20,000 patients, but this figure is just the tip of the iceberg.
Chris has been instrumental in many of these achievements.
The project will continue to develop and be adopted into business as usual for SCAS with a care pathway team introduced to oversee it.
Well done Chris!