Emergency first aid training for young people

Feb 18, 2025 | Members e-Bulletin, News, Stakeholder eBulletin, Uncategorized

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) is proud to be working with other agencies to hold an event in Langley as part of our February campaign to raise awareness of knife crime. The event will be aimed at young people, with the goal of teaching them the vital first aid interventions after a stabbing and will be held on Wednesday 19 February.

Knife crime is a national problem, with over 50,000 incidents reported in the UK last year (The Ben Kinsella Trust). Slough and the Langley area have seen higher than average rates of crime and so have been proactive in running prevention programmes and engaging with children and young adults in the area.

SCAS is working closely with a range of partners to give a holistic approach to knife crime prevention and awareness.

  • Together as One, a charity that has spent decades working in Slough to reduce gang crime
  • Slough Borough Council’s community and detached youth team, a group of youth workers dedicated to supporting young people in Slough with all aspects of life
  • Slough Youth Parliament, a group of 31 young people representing different schools from across the borough
  • Thames Valley Police, to help raise awareness of the implications of carrying and using knives, but also to build better relationships between police and young people

Councillor Ishrat Shah, lead member for equalities, public health and public protection, said: “I am pleased to see this activity is happening in half-term. It will not only occupy young people with fun activities, but it will also show them how they could help someone injured, by learning first aid for stab wounds, and teach them CPR skills.

“Langley has sadly seen fatalities due to knife crime, so educating young people and preventing future tragedies is important. Young people can talk to our community and detached youth team if they have any concerns and of course, always report crimes to the police or Crimestoppers.”

Mark Ainsworth-Smith MBE, a consultant pre-hospital care practitioner for SCAS has also welcomed this educational event. He said: “Tragically, we see a significant number of deaths caused by knife crime and violence in our ambulance service every year. Every one of those deaths is a tragedy for families and friends, and they cause terrible trauma to emergency responders, such as the police and ambulance service who have to respond and deal with the consequences.”

It is well known that education is a significant factor in preventing knife crime so SCAS is proud to be working with local partners to play a small role in the vital work they do on a daily basis.

The event will be held on Wednesday, 19 February, at Kedermister Hall, Reddington Drive, Langley, SL3 7QD from 2pm until 5pm and is open to all 11-18-year-olds (or up to 25-years-old with SEND). In addition to first aid training, there will be opportunities for sports, cooking and creativity.

Booking is essential to attend and can be done online here: https://forms.gle/dyDacDHTD5odEmVT8?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR17_gSaPZcC0fkmXRDN2g1N6bK6AvnPTr8r8ZbFAG-MyfpkGiv17kC7y8M_aem_AGitUsPij1WWs8lHkTkaz

People can also book using the QR code on the attached poster or WhatsApp/message to 07919 575 476.


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