Fit For the Future programme (FFFP) and Operations Modernisation Programme (OMP) Update

Jun 4, 2024 | Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

Operations Modernisation Roadmap

In December 2023 we shared a roadmap of key deliverables for FFFP as part of the SCAS Strategy Refresh. These covered details of activities proposed to commence between Quarter 4 23/24 through to Quarter 3 24/25, based on the seven workstreams:

  1. Operations Service Model
  2. Contact Centre Service Model
  3. Estate / Fleet
  4. Digital
  5. People and Culture
  6. Corporate Services
  7. Communications & Engagement.

It has now been agreed that “Fit for the Future” is the vehicle for the delivery of the SCAS strategy and that the Operations Modernisation Programme will deliver the first two workstreams: the Operations Service Model and Contact Centre Service Model. To support the delivery of the OMP a revised roadmap is being developed which focuses only on those elements that the programme owns.

The roadmap will incorporate Proof of Concepts (POCs) and their co-design as the mechanism by which the programme will explore operational, organisational and process opportunities. We have identified two existing sites (one operational site and one contact centre site) which will be used to develop and test proposed new processes and ways of working, which will assist in understanding the impacts on a range of important factors such as patient care, staff wellbeing, staff engagement, Care Quality Commission (CQC), performance and financial sustainability.

The POCs will therefore ensure that we only implement operating models that meet the needs of our people, patients and our wider stakeholders. Quality Improvement methodology will be used to robustly assess the success or otherwise of the POCs.

Progress against Quarter 1 deliverables

The focus during May has been:

  • Developing the scope of the Proof of Concepts, considering an option for Urgent & Emergency Contact Centre and 999 Frontline operations
  • Progressing options for organisational structures in line with discussion with the relevant teams
  • Continuation of Hub location modelling, “stress” testing to evaluate the impacts of potential future changes in our demographics and patient mix. Additionally further work has been undertaken to review impacts on factors such as response times, staff over-runs and distance travelled
  • Benchmarking other Ambulance Trusts / Blue light services including:
  • Visit to three hubs belonging to West Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Meeting with Thames Valley Police (TVP) Transformation lead
  • Re-engaging with AACE colleagues with respect to develop our operating model, this his had been on hold awaiting their business case approval. A detailed planning workshop is scheduled for end May.
  • Staff engagement
  • Continued visits to Resource Centres to attend team meetings, as well as other 999 and 111 contact centres.
  • Hosted workshop at Shaw House Senior Leadership forum on OMP
  • Held an all-Trust webinar focusing specifically on OMP.

Focus for the next period.

The primary focus of the OMP during June are:

  • Completion of workshop with AACE at the end of May
  • Further develop of options relating to the Proof of Concepts and Hub modelling
  • Meet with TVP Contact Centre leads.

General Election Purdah period

Due to the announcement of the general election, we have now entered a purdah period which has the potential to delay deliverables within the roadmap. We will monitor this risk carefully over the next month.