Members and Governors

As an NHS Foundation Trust our local membership and Council of Governors are an integral part of our governance structure.

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Foundation Trust governors

Our governors play an integral role in running the trust and representing the public. Each governor has a constituency and is committed to talking to local people to make sure your voices and opinions on the Trust are heard. The Trust’s Constitution sets out the principles of how the Council of Governors operates.

The Council of Governors meets quarterly in public. Find out more about our governors and dates of governor meetings and papers.

To find out about governor elections and becoming a governor contact


Foundation Trust members

We have over 4,000 public members from all walks of life across our patch. Being a member means you can take part in electing the Council of Governors and helping shape our services.

To join, you must be aged 14 or over and live in (or have a connection with) Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire or Oxfordshire. Complete this form to become a member

The data you supply will be used only to contact you about the Trust, membership or other related issues and will be stored in accordance with the current Data Protection Act and our own Privacy Notice.

Contact the Membership Office

You can email the membership office at or by post at:

FREEPOST Communications – membership
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
7-8 Talisman Business Centre
Talisman Road
OX26 6H



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