SCAS Patient Panel update

Sep 24, 2024 | Events, Members e-Bulletin, Stakeholder eBulletin

SCAS Patient Panel continues to grow.

The Patient Panel recruited a further twelve members for the Learning Disability Co-production Subgroup, nine of which have joined from MenCap following an engagement event. MenCap are supporting their day centre users in participating.

The patient panel is researching Mental Health organisations and charities to identify organisations to recruit to our Patient Panel Mental Health Co-production Subgroup and promote the patient panel.

One of the Patient Panel Mental Health members attended the Mental Health Awareness Programme (MAP) simulation training delivered by the SCAS Mental Health Team and Education Team, which operational staff members attend.

They said:

“I felt very privileged to be invited to observe a MAP simulation training course to see what is taught to some of your front-line ambulance crew and where possible Patient Transport Services.”

They met Steven Jephcote, Clinical Mental Health Lead, and James Burt, Education Manager, and commented on how they work well together and deliver helpful lessons in best practise on managing a wide range of front-line scenarios and commented on the importance  training considering the complexity of patient mental health needs.

The Patient Panel has had interest from younger people wanting to join to share their views and get involved with co-production. As a result, the Patient Panel will be recruiting to a ‘Young Persons’ Patient Panel co-production group fairly shortly.


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