The challenges of end-of-life care

Feb 13, 2025 | Members e-Bulletin, News, Stakeholder eBulletin, Uncategorized

Paramedics in England are experiencing wide-ranging challenges in responding to the increasing number of end-of-life care patients they are being called to, according to a study from the University of Southampton.

The study, published in BMC Palliative Care, highlights the issues paramedics face when responding to patients at end-of-life, including a lack of patient information, barriers to administering medication, and insufficient training.

Read more about the new report, including a link to the publication in BMC Palliative Care, here:

Responding to the report’s publication on behalf of SCAS, Duncan Robertson, chief paramedic, said:

“It is great to see this important area of research getting published and it will help ambulance services frame how we can better support our paramedic workforce to provide excellent care at the end of a patient’s life.

“It will also be useful for our higher education providers to equip newly qualified paramedics with the education they need as they start out of their professional journey.

“This can be a difficult area of clinical practice, which requires tact, sensitivity and a compassionate approach. As with any research, the paper is not to be read in isolation, but contributes to a wider body of knowledge. Congratulations to the team of authors for getting this work published.”

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